NOW (National Organising Week) may have finished yesterday. Yet, your decluttering journey can still continue. We often get so involved in a decluttering session that we don’t think much about it. Last week, we’ve helped a client let go off paper (lots of paper!) and create more space in their filing cabinets. The joy on their face as we cleared old papers… It was priceless. And we want you too to enjoy happiness, relieve and achievement. So keep going with your decluttering journey!
It’s NOW (National Organising Week)
Let’s get organised with NOW
We are super excited!!! Today’s the first day of NOW, the National Organising Week, is here. The decision to have NOW at the beginning of November was easy. This week will give you the start to declutter and make space in your home. It will set you up for stress-free Thanksgiving, National Day, Christmas and New Year’s Eve celebrations. Most importantly, NOW will give you peace of mind. No matter what the busy last few weeks of 2018 will throw at you, you can handle it!!
So let’s get started with NOW.
Join our countdown for National Organising Week (NOW)
The countdown is on!
We are so excited to have started the countdown for this year’s NOW. NOW? Yes, the National Organising Week (NOW) organised by the Association of Professional Declutterers & Organisers (APDO) from 5-11 November 2018. As a professional member of APDO, we’ve been helping individual across the UAE, Europe and the US to simplify their life by decluttering.
The surprising benefits when you declutter
6 surprising benefits when you declutter
You’ve probably heard about Barbara Hemphill, the paper tiger lady, mentioning SYSTEM. It’s a slogan she picked up early in her organising career and it stands for “Saving you space, time, energy, money.” That’s right, that’s what professional organisers like her and us at Organised Life and Mind do. However, some folks are still sceptical about the true benefits of getting organised. So we’ve asked the ones who’ve already started their journey of decluttering and getting more organised. “What were your biggest surprising benefits, positive or negative, when you decluttered?”
Clear Your Clutter Day 2018
Make space this Clear Your Clutter Day
Tomorrow is “Clear Your Clutter Day 2018”! The founder of, Jasmine Birtles, set it up to help “live simpler, more clutter-free lives”. Tomorrow, get rid of what’s weighing you down and make space for the things you truly enjoy. You don’t where to start?
Grab a bag and start with one area. This could be a drawer, a shelf or your coffee table.
How to organise after your guests leave
What to do when your guests have left
We had 2 special guests stay with us for the last 2 weeks. It was fun. They loved the beach and the warm weather, soaking up every ray of sunshine they could. We laughed over dinner and (over) indulged when it came to dessert. But now, they’re back home and we’re cleaning the house. What are the best ways for cleaning after your guests leave?
4 areas to declutter this March
Get organised this March
Can you believe it’s March already? Where have the first 2 months gone? March is a wonderful time to get ready for Spring. For many of our European friends and the freezing cold they’re experiencing, this seems like months away. To help you prepare for summer and all its fun activities, now is the right time to declutter and organise your life. We’ve prepared 4 areas for you to tackle this March!
Prepare to downsize
Downsizing has been a common process for seniors. Many seniors found it difficult to maintain their house and garden or struggled getting upstairs. Moving into a retirement home, often only consisting of one room, or a smaller apartment were often the answer. In recent years, more and more younger folks are also downsizing – voluntarily.
After long discussions, we’ll be downsizing this summer, too. Over the last few months, we’ve started the process and are letting go of even more items.
5 unusual benefits of living an organised life
How you can benefit from being organised
Have you every heard of SYSTEM? It’s a wonderful term describing the benefits of being organised. SYSTEM stands for “saving you space, time, energy and money”. Those are 4 benefits you can enjoy when taking the time and yes, also energy to declutter and organise. We’ve collected 5 fantastic and yet unusual benefits of living an organised life:
How much do you need?
When is enough enough?
A client recently shared her frustrations about being organised with me. Being organised doesn’t come with an instruction booklet or a step-by-step guide. Our client was looking for a checklist that helped her decide how much she really needed. That sounds pretty structured and organised, doesn’t it?
Well, for my client, it was anything but that. She admitted being overwhelmed by the sheer amount of stuff she and her family own. “I’ve so much, I don’t know where to begin. So we started with a simple question: