Benefits of downsizing to an apartment

Benefits of downsizing

Downsizing isn’t just for seniors.

Downsizing isn’t just for seniors. For some reason, it’s still associated with retirees, aging and possibly preparing for the final step. We don’t believe that downsizing is only for the elderly. In fact, downsizing offers great benefits for all ages.

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The power of your public library

The power of your public library

Explore your public library again

When in Boston, what do you see? You’d probably walk the historic Freedom Trail, watch a baseball game or enjoy the greenery in Boston Common, a massive public park in the centre of the city. During our recent visit, we also added the Boston Public Library to the itinerary. My friend is a keen lover of books and fascinated by its architecture. This public library did not disappoint and reminded me how we all should utilise the power of our public libraries more frequently.

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Decluttering according to your zodiac sign

Decluttering according to your zodiac star sign

No, we don’t really care about your zodiac sign

We recently stumbled across an article “Decluttering according to your Zodiac Sign”. As much as find horoscopes entertaining, someone else must have thought that too. After all, what got your star sign to do with decluttering?

For us as a Leo, it said to

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Enjoy a screen-free week

Turn your screens off

29 April – 5 May is screen-free week. When was the last time you’ve enjoyed an entire day screen-free? Probably some time ago. Isn’t it then even more surprising that since 1994 numerous organisations are participating in the TV Turnoff and now the screen-free week? But a week without any screen activities, I hear you say, that’s insane. Bear with me!

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Spring clean your living room this week

Spring clean your living room

Prepare your living room for Spring

It’s almost Spring and you can smell it. People are getting excited about the warmer temperatures and being able to enjoy the outdoors. It’s the time to start again – fresh! This week, we’re continuing our spring cleaning and we’re taking on the living room. Get it ready for you and your family but also for your friends to come visit (unannounced).

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Do we need Christmas presents for children?

Christmas presents for children

Alternative presents for children

Recently, I followed a lively debate on social media. Should children get Christmas presents or not?

The same question could be asked for anyone. Do we need to give presents on a specific date, just because it’s that day? Like many during that debate, I’d say no. Society almost forces us to give on Christmas Day, birthday days, Diwali, wedding anniversaries, Eid, Valentine’s Day, you name it. Shouldn’t we rather give when we want to?

But let’s stick to the question for children.

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Need more ideas what clutter to sell?

Need more ideas what clutter to sell

Sell your clutter from these 7 areas

Want to declutter your dining room? Get rid of the extra chairs. According to a recent survey, almost 30% of dining rooms are cluttered because of too many chairs. We bet you can guess what fills up hallways. You’re right! Shoes, shoes, shoes! So let’s continue your decluttering this week by looking at pieces you can let go and probably sell or donate.

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Declutter and make money

Declutter and make money

How to make some money after decluttering

Do you sometimes look around your home and think: “I can’t believe I spent money on this.” Just like you spent money on it, declutter and make money of it again! The beauty of letting go what no longer serves your needs, it may still be of value for someone else. If it’s in good shape, why not sell it?

There are plenty of places where you can sell your unwanted items.

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Get ready for the next school year

Get ready for the next school year
  • Back for another school year

Can you believe it’s already August? How quickly has summer passed! Now it’s also the time to get ready for school soon again. Are you ready for the new school year? More importantly, is your kid ready yet?

We’ve to admit we are a bit late posting this today (yes, even we have only so many hours to make everything happen). But tada, here’s your checklist to start the new school year without tears and in a stress-free manner.

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The surprising benefits when you declutter

6 surprising benefits when you declutter

You’ve probably heard about Barbara Hemphill, the paper tiger lady, mentioning SYSTEM. It’s a slogan she picked up early in her organising career and it stands for “Saving you space, time, energy, money.” That’s right, that’s what professional organisers like her and us at Organised Life and Mind do. However, some folks are still sceptical about the true benefits of getting organised. So we’ve asked the ones who’ve already started their journey of decluttering and getting more organised. “What were your biggest surprising benefits, positive or negative, when you decluttered?”

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