Decluttering according to your zodiac sign

Decluttering according to your zodiac star sign

No, we don’t really care about your zodiac sign

We recently stumbled across an article “Decluttering according to your Zodiac Sign”. As much as find horoscopes entertaining, someone else must have thought that too. After all, what got your star sign to do with decluttering?

For us as a Leo, it said to

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It’s NOW (National Organising Week)

It’s NOW

Let’s get organised with NOW

We are super excited!!! Today’s the first day of NOW, the National Organising Week, is here. The decision to have NOW at the beginning of November was easy. This week will give you the start to declutter and make space in your home. It will set you up for stress-free Thanksgiving, National Day, Christmas and New Year’s Eve celebrations. Most importantly, NOW will give you peace of mind. No matter what the busy last few weeks of 2018 will throw at you, you can handle it!!

So let’s get started with NOW.

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Turn off your social media

Turn off your social media

How often have you been on social media today? Just to check the latest Insta pictures or some new recipes on Pinterest. Maybe you, like us, were bored in a meeting and checked your personal emails? Social media can be a great distraction.

Unfortunately, it also distracts from life. You may argue that social media is life. Yes, it’s become part of life, however shouldn’t BE life. 

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Control the emails in your inbox

Control the emails in your inbox

How to become the master of your inbox again

Over the last months, we’ve been working with a corporate client. It’s so different from residential organising and yet there are so many similarities. Everyone wants to be more organised. Everyone wants to use their time better. Everyone wants to find what they are looking for when they need it. This isn’t surprising, is it?

For our corporate clients, the focus is often more electronic documents and files. This makes it for most individuals more challenging. Out of sight, out of mind. Still, the desire to declutter that overflowing inbox is just as great as of the fashionista client who wants to see what’s in her wardrobe. Today, we’re sharing our tricks to control the emails in your inbox.

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Prepare to downsize

Downsizing has been a common process for seniors. Many seniors found it difficult to maintain their house and garden or struggled getting upstairs. Moving into a retirement home, often only consisting of one room, or a smaller apartment were often the answer. In recent years, more and more younger folks are also downsizing – voluntarily.

After long discussions, we’ll be downsizing this summer, too. Over the last few months, we’ve started the process and are letting go of even more items.

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Master your time and achieve more

Maximise your time

Did you ever run out of time? So many projects nearing their deadlines, so many activities scheduled after work. Just how to manage it all? We’ve had one of those weeks several times this year already! With every going on, we know it’s super important to be organised and get stuff done!

We’re excited to share our top 10 tips to master your time and for you to achieve more. Are you ready to see big improvements while making small changes?

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What happened during the first week of 2018?

What have you done in 2018?

2018 started without a bang. Unlike previous years, there was no party nor any hassle. The couch provided the perfect spot to watch the laser show hosted by Burj Khalifa. For me, it was liberating to only be that evening. No big fuss entertaining, deciding what to wear, when to meet. And the theme of calm continued the next day.

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