Create your family binder

Family binder

Benefit from having your own family binder

Life can be unpredictable. The scouts have thus developed their motto: Be prepared. No matter what comes their way, they are ready. This week, we’d want you to be prepared, too.

13 years ago, close friends of ours lost their home and everything they owned to an explosion. It was a terrible night for them. Luckily, they escaped unhurt and had a family binder where they kept all important documents. We couldn’t even imagine how you get through the shock while trying to get help. Remember those where the days without Dropbox to keep the electronic versions of your insurance policies!

You, too, need a family binder!

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Declutter to reduce your stress

Declutter to reduce your stress

What’s the connection between clutter and stress?

Does the clutter in your home stress you out? Yes? You’re not alone! The connection between clutter and stress is a hot research topic and the results are shocking. While the famous UCLA study on clutter has been conducted in 2012, not much has changed. If we know that clutter creates anxiety and makes us feel overwhelmed, why aren’t we doing more to control the chaos in our home, office and life?

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Our gift for you: The be more organised calendar 2019

The be more organised calendar 2019

Achieve your dreams with our be more organised calendar 2019

As 2018 is coming to an end, many are reflecting on this year and are setting New Year’s resolutions. Being more organised is – as in previous years – one of the top resolutions. Does that surprise you? Not us. After all, being more organised reduces your stress, you waste less food, energy and money and you improve your relationships with your family, friends and at work.

To support you having your best year yet, we’ve created our gift for you:

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4 areas to declutter this March

Get organised this March

Can you believe it’s March already? Where have the first 2 months gone? March is a wonderful time to get ready for Spring. For many of our European friends and the freezing cold they’re experiencing, this seems like months away. To help you prepare for summer and all its fun activities, now is the right time to declutter and organise your life. We’ve prepared 4 areas for you to tackle this March!

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Master your time and achieve more

Maximise your time

Did you ever run out of time? So many projects nearing their deadlines, so many activities scheduled after work. Just how to manage it all? We’ve had one of those weeks several times this year already! With every going on, we know it’s super important to be organised and get stuff done!

We’re excited to share our top 10 tips to master your time and for you to achieve more. Are you ready to see big improvements while making small changes?

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What happened during the first week of 2018?

What have you done in 2018?

2018 started without a bang. Unlike previous years, there was no party nor any hassle. The couch provided the perfect spot to watch the laser show hosted by Burj Khalifa. For me, it was liberating to only be that evening. No big fuss entertaining, deciding what to wear, when to meet. And the theme of calm continued the next day.

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It’s NOW (National Organising Week)

We encourage the nation to get organised during NOW!

APDO Association of Professional Declutterers & Organisers is running the 4th annual NOW National Organising Week this Autumn. Through social media, blogs and partnerships, the association will motivate and inspire people just like you to organise their homes and workplaces. We are taking part in the campaign and bring it to this region!

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Create a will

Do you have a will in place?

If you’re anything like me, you’re probably avoiding this topic. Yet, it’s of such vital importance to draft. But I don’t have anything that’s worth much, you may think. A will is not only about any money, houses or jewellery. A will also protects your family, especially if you have minor children. Join me and create yours (I’ve mine in place)!

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