Trish’s story: Kids, studying and a new career

How Trish mastered the struggles of raising 2 children, studying part-time and working a full-time job

Have you ever met those people who seem to achieve anything and everything? Trish may be one of them. Her life seems so fulfilling and no signs of any struggles. Speaking with her, we find out there’s a lot more to her and where she is in life today.

Today’s post has been written by Trish and she takes us through her struggles of raising 2 smart daughters on her own, completing her first university degree at a later stage in life and now preparing for a career change.

Today’s post is encouragement for anyone who is thinking about making a change in their life. It’s never too late to start something new!

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Do what scares you

Get out of your comfort zone

Last week, I felt scared. S**t scared! I exhibited at ARTE, the arts and craft market, for the first time. At around this time, I was going through the emotions and what a roller coaster ride that was. Finishing up the last designs and the questions popped back up: “Am I good enough?” “Will they like my designs?” “Will they also buy some?”

There was the panic moment, or maybe moments. “Do I have enough to sell or should I make some more?” There was resignation. “I’m too tired to do anything after this week. I’m done.” Once everything was packed and ready for the show, there was pride. “I’ve done it!” But I didn’t feel scared until I stood next to my stand, the different pieces up for display and waiting for the first customers to come by. “I’m s**t scared!” was the message I sent to my loved ones. 

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What do you want to do this summer?

How will you spend this summer?

This week, temperatures have gone up to 40 C/104 F. For most places, that’s really hot. Not for us in this region. Summer is not even here yet! But has that stopped you from thinking what to do this summer? With Ramadan being early, we’ll have almost 4 months of summer! Why not start thinking about your summer plans this weekend?

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Wishing you a Happy 2017!

Wishing you a Happy New Year!

2016 is almost over. Christmas was festive, although a bit quieter. We’ve enjoyed the time together and trust, with these (perceived) arctic temperature, I’m so glad we did! Today, we’re celebrating my mom’s birthday. The celebrations just continue.

2017 is soon upon us and I hear many people say “Let this year be over”. This year has seen many loved ones and celebrities leave this earth. David Bowie was one of my favourite stars growing up. That was a shock. Just like we witnessed the unpredicted Brexit and the win of some unlikely presidents. Climate change is worsening and stupidity seems to be rising.

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Where will 2017 take you?

Make time for your personal development in 2017

At the end of the year, many companies are carrying out performance reviews. You may have had your manager ask you: “What do you want to do next year?” While getting on that one project you so wanted, this question gives you the opportunity to think about something bigger. Where do you want to go?

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Give yourself time to think

When can you think?

It’s Thursday and although it’s a short week, it’s been manic. I felt like I was working on 20 different projects at the same time. Rather than stopping to think, prioritising my day, yes, I just kept going. There was no progress whatsoever and it was horrible! Do you know this feeling?

Today is the day to change this! I’ve taking some time out to think and so should you.

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Declutter for your job search!

Too much stuff hindering your job search?

Do you remember last week’s post about finding a job? Sounds pretty easy, doesn’t it? Why it then so difficult to land that job? Of course, there are general external factors like the general economic climate, availability of vacancies in your field.

But many candidates are blocked internally. They can’t get their head around the job search and aren’t as effective as they could be. Here are 3 great tips to give you that clarity needed to land that job!

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Think ahead

Think ahead till the end

“Think a step ahead!” One of my old colleagues used to say it all the time and she was extremely proud to be at least one step ahead of everyone else. Indeed, thinking ahead can have numerous advantages as colleagues, friends and I have discovered over the years.

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