5 minutes for a speed decluttering session

Feel better immediately after a speed decluttering session

Have you ever done speed decluttering? No? Let’s try it today.

Many people fall into a “winter depression” with the festive season over and weather being grey in grey. A speed decluttering session can make you feel better immediately. Are you ready?

Speed decluttering takes only a few minutes. Set the alarm on your phone to track your time. Pick a small area or item you want to tackle.  Off you go! Here are 3 suggested areas which will leave you with a big impact:

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Benefits of a garage sale

Get on a high note decluttering

It’s the second week of 2017 and you know what that means. Exactly, most people are still on their high to make their resolutions stick this time! “This is the year I’ll change – no more excuses!” This is one of my clients who’s preparing for his first garage sale already!

For him, a garage sale is a deadline. A deadline to start the letting go of all the stuff he doesn’t use or need. But it’s also an opportunity, well, actually 4 opportunities:

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Save time in 2017

Free up time for things you love!

This was a busy week! It was filled with 2 days travelling, another full day event with a local client plus studying for my professional certificate. 28 February is the deadline and having that date fixed, time’s running fast! Last night, I almost lost it looking around the house. It was all messy, stuff everywhere. It’s the worst feeling when you’re exhausted, don’t you agree?

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I’m trying the elimination diet

And so should you!

Every 1 January, people are starting to change their life. They’ve set their New Year’s Resolution: Lose weight, do more sports, stop smoking, spend more time with friends and family, work less… If you’re like me, you’ve probably set some for yourself at some stage. This year, there are no New Year’s Resolutions. Except the elimination diet! And it’s not the one you’re thinking off!

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Wishing you a Happy 2017!

Wishing you a Happy New Year!

2016 is almost over. Christmas was festive, although a bit quieter. We’ve enjoyed the time together and trust, with these (perceived) arctic temperature, I’m so glad we did! Today, we’re celebrating my mom’s birthday. The celebrations just continue.

2017 is soon upon us and I hear many people say “Let this year be over”. This year has seen many loved ones and celebrities leave this earth. David Bowie was one of my favourite stars growing up. That was a shock. Just like we witnessed the unpredicted Brexit and the win of some unlikely presidents. Climate change is worsening and stupidity seems to be rising.

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Get moving again

5 easy ways to get moving after the Holidays

How many additional calories did you consume this Christmas? While I’ve consciously limited my indulgences, sitting so much over the Holidays got me down. Luckily, I could get my loved ones out for a walk in the rain, typical Christmas weather.

This afternoon, we’re off to our local football stadium and I can’t wait to get moving again. Do you too want to make small changes and get active again? Here are 5 easy activities which will get you moving now!

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Have yourself a stress-free Christmas

Top stress savers this Christmas

It’s 2 days before Christmas and I’m sitting in this beautiful café with a hot chocolate. It’s freezing outside (okay, may it’s just cold and wet). What a relaxed day before the holidays are upon us. It’s absolutely fantastic!

Do you also want to enjoy a stress-free Christmas? Who doesn’t?! Here are my top 5 tips to start Christmas in the most relaxed and stress-free way!

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