Where will 2017 take you?

Make time for your personal development in 2017

At the end of the year, many companies are carrying out performance reviews. You may have had your manager ask you: “What do you want to do next year?” While getting on that one project you so wanted, this question gives you the opportunity to think about something bigger. Where do you want to go?

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Leave the office prepared for tomorrow

Use the last 15 min today for tomorrow

Are you still in the office? Still stuck in that never ending meeting? And you’ve still so much paper on your desk? Feeling overwhelmed and don’t know how to get back in control?

Take the last 15-30 minutes of your workday today and prepare for tomorrow!

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Declutter for your job search!

Too much stuff hindering your job search?

Do you remember last week’s post about finding a job? Sounds pretty easy, doesn’t it? Why it then so difficult to land that job? Of course, there are general external factors like the general economic climate, availability of vacancies in your field.

But many candidates are blocked internally. They can’t get their head around the job search and aren’t as effective as they could be. Here are 3 great tips to give you that clarity needed to land that job!

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Think ahead

Think ahead till the end

“Think a step ahead!” One of my old colleagues used to say it all the time and she was extremely proud to be at least one step ahead of everyone else. Indeed, thinking ahead can have numerous advantages as colleagues, friends and I have discovered over the years.

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Make a decision!

Why are you holding off that decision?

There must be something in the air! A handful of my close friends have made or are in the process of making life changing decisions. Some of them are changing careers and starting new professional adventures. Others are moving countries and finding their feet in a new culture. It sounds exciting, doesn’t it? I bet they didn’t take these decisions lightly.

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Who’s your coach?

Why you should have a coach

Have you ever worked with a coach? Noticed how much more you got done? As you know, I’m a trained coach and am providing support to various high flying clients in Dubai and the Middle East. Seeing my clients change their behaviours and making it stick or achieving that career goal that they wanted so much, it’s so rewarding!

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Do you focus on your vision?

“Focus on what’s important to you!” That’s my new motto. In recent weeks and months, I’ve had so many things on my plate. Everything required time and efforts from me and at times, I felt like a circus performer juggling 15 little oranges. Despite managing most of the time, I lost my vision and wasn’t focusing anymore. It was almost like auto pilot, just get it done.

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Planning for your retirement

What planning?

Do you plan for your retirement? Or should I ask you which word scares you more: Planning or retirement? As part of my main business, I was supporting a client with their end of service (EOS) benefits which are the equivalent to a pension (or 401(k) or super) in the Middle East. A lot of employees, however, are complaining that these EOS benefits are not enough to prepare them financially for retirement. Yet, and maybe not surprisingly, many people don’t prepare more for their retirement. Why is it?

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