40 bags in 40 days

The ultimate Spring challenge

Ash Wednesday (1 March) is the beginning of lent and Christians are giving up something. Lent lasts for 40 days until Maundy Thursday (the Thursday before Easter) and is generally seen as a period reflection, self-examination but also improvement. Some Christians are thus giving up an indulgence like chocolate, while others give up a bad habit like smoking. Why not use lent 2017 to participate 40 bags in 40 days, regardless of your religious beliefs?

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How to entertain your visitors when the weather isn’t great

I love this region and the sunny weather we experience 350 days per year. It seems though like climate change is also leaving its marks here. My visitors are arriving tomorrow, looking for warm sunshine which has been hiding a bit recently. Now the question is what to do when it’s not lounging at the beach weather?

Here are my top 7 tips to entertain your guests when the weather isn’t that inviting:

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How to save big this month


Growing up, many Germans would take a step back and save some money in January. It was and still is the month when insurance policies are renewed and people are just fed up with eating so much over the Christmas holidays. This last month, I’ve kept an eye on my expenses and there are so many ways to save in this big city. Here are my favourite tips to help you save this month:

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