4 areas to declutter this March

Get organised this March

Can you believe it’s March already? Where have the first 2 months gone? March is a wonderful time to get ready for Spring. For many of our European friends and the freezing cold they’re experiencing, this seems like months away. To help you prepare for summer and all its fun activities, now is the right time to declutter and organise your life. We’ve prepared 4 areas for you to tackle this March!

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Don’t wait for that special moment

Don’t wait for that special moment

Create your own special moment

Earlier this month, a friend finally came to visit. Originally, she was to fly with 2 other friends. Getting 3 friends to book an overseas trip is not that easy. Family commitments, no time off from work, financial constraints, you know how it is. So said to herself: “Why wait?”

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Remain strong during unexpected events

Remain strong during unexpected events

Feeling overwhelmed by an unexpected situation?

This week was full of unexpected events! Each day seemed to trump the events from the previous day. I certainly did not foresee any of these. At times, it was like an explosion went off and others brought the greatest joy (like that new contract we won at OLAM!). If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably experienced the full spectrum of emotions in one day, too. Yes, it was like a rollercoaster ride!

Here are our top 5 tips to remain strong when experiencing an unexpected situation:

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Prepare to downsize

Downsizing has been a common process for seniors. Many seniors found it difficult to maintain their house and garden or struggled getting upstairs. Moving into a retirement home, often only consisting of one room, or a smaller apartment were often the answer. In recent years, more and more younger folks are also downsizing – voluntarily.

After long discussions, we’ll be downsizing this summer, too. Over the last few months, we’ve started the process and are letting go of even more items.

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