Make a decision!

Why are you holding off that decision?

There must be something in the air! A handful of my close friends have made or are in the process of making life changing decisions. Some of them are changing careers and starting new professional adventures. Others are moving countries and finding their feet in a new culture. It sounds exciting, doesn’t it? I bet they didn’t take these decisions lightly.

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Who’s your coach?

Why you should have a coach

Have you ever worked with a coach? Noticed how much more you got done? As you know, I’m a trained coach and am providing support to various high flying clients in Dubai and the Middle East. Seeing my clients change their behaviours and making it stick or achieving that career goal that they wanted so much, it’s so rewarding!

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Dealing with frustrations

Can you handle your frustrations and the negative emotions?

Experienced any frustrations this week? Welcome to my week of highs and lows. I got a new laptop with a new operating system last weekend. Today’s Thursday and I’m still struggling with the different functionalities. It feels like every step takes 2x or 3x as long as with the old laptop. Very frustrating!

But it doesn’t need to be frustrating. Learn here how you can reduce your frustrations by making small mindset changes.

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Do you focus on your vision?

“Focus on what’s important to you!” That’s my new motto. In recent weeks and months, I’ve had so many things on my plate. Everything required time and efforts from me and at times, I felt like a circus performer juggling 15 little oranges. Despite managing most of the time, I lost my vision and wasn’t focusing anymore. It was almost like auto pilot, just get it done.

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Birthday celebrations

Why I don’t want any presents for my birthday

It’s my birthday and it’s my favourite day of the year! Birthdays are a big deal and if you’ve met me, you know I love birthdays. Birthdays are a great way to celebrate and be celebrated.

Each year, I’m grateful for what I’ve achieved. Although, I admit at times, it doesn’t appear as an achievement. Celebrating another birthday today, I’m grateful. I’ve set up my own company, am getting work in, live in a beautiful home, have plenty of food on the table (and consequently a bit too much on my hips), wonderful loved ones and friends who I cherish, am healthy. I’m good!

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A for Appointments

How to keep track of your appointments

“We’d like to confirm your appointment.” When I first moved to the region, I found it quite odd how everyone called me to confirm our appointments. I quickly learnt that sticking to appointments was a given and just the other week, a reader asked me how to keep track of appointments. By now, I use the confirmation calls as pure reminders. But surely, there’s also a simpler way to keep track of your appointments?

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