Birthday celebrations

Why I don’t want any presents for my birthday

It’s my birthday and it’s my favourite day of the year! Birthdays are a big deal and if you’ve met me, you know I love birthdays. Birthdays are a great way to celebrate and be celebrated.

Each year, I’m grateful for what I’ve achieved. Although, I admit at times, it doesn’t appear as an achievement. Celebrating another birthday today, I’m grateful. I’ve set up my own company, am getting work in, live in a beautiful home, have plenty of food on the table (and consequently a bit too much on my hips), wonderful loved ones and friends who I cherish, am healthy. I’m good!

Because I have everything I need, there’s no need to buy me something for my birthday. And this year, I’m taking a stronger stand. I don’t want any presents. Over e years, we got the agreement not to gift anything for most occasions. There’s sometimes and exception and I don’t mind them.

This year, I’ve asked friends joining my little dinner not to bring me anything but a card. I should have asked for a balloon, thinking about it. I love cards and I admit, I keep them! They’re nicely put away in chronological order and wherever I’ve moved these cards have moved with me. They are a wonderful remembrance for me (not everyone has the same view about cards and that’s okay).

The house is filled with plenty of items and while it’s by no means minimalistic, I don’t want anymore stuff. It’s enough.

Instead, I want to spend time with my friends. Today, I met one of my close friends who’s leaving the region in a few days. Even though she’ll be back in a couple of weeks and our friendship will last despite the miles, it was so lovely to see her, have lunch with her, hear the latest stories. It’s that sharing of our lives that I’d like as a present.

Let me be part of your life and let me feel with you. Whether it’s landing your dream job, embarking on a sports challenge or facing issues on the home front. Share your time with me. Let me celebrate your highs and support you during the lows. This is what friends are for and the older I get, the more I value the time with my friends.

With that being said, it’s time to celebrate my birthday with my friends.

Until next time,

3 thoughts on “Birthday celebrations

  1. Happy Birthday Agni! I’m really glad we’re friends and I’m really glad you don’t want a gift because I’m certain I was too cheap to send you one! Nevertheless, please know I’ve been thinking of you (and how much you love your birthday) all day and I’m delighted to hear you are on your way out for dinner with friends. What a wonderful way to celebrate! Cheers!

  2. Oh, and “AMEN” to the no gifts…I’m of course one of those “minimalists” that doesn’t save cards either – sorry. 🙂

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