Dealing with frustrations

Can you handle your frustrations and the negative emotions?

Experienced any frustrations this week? Welcome to my week of highs and lows. I got a new laptop with a new operating system last weekend. Today’s Thursday and I’m still struggling with the different functionalities. It feels like every step takes 2x or 3x as long as with the old laptop. Very frustrating!

But it doesn’t need to be frustrating. Learn here how you can reduce your frustrations by making small mindset changes.

Manage your expectations.

We often experience frustrations by having a specific outcome or result in mind. Our expectations may have envisioned the quality of work that bit higher, the process that bit faster or the product that bit cheaper.

A business partner told me this week that she no longer expects her clients to reply to her emails or return her calls. If they do get back to her, she sees it as a positive. For her, it was a way to avoid disappointment and feel frustrated.

Accept what’s in your control.

Do you get frustrated when being struck in traffic? Especially on those occasions when you’re running late?

Rather than getting upset about it, look at what you can control. You’re probably not able to get the cars moving again. But you can call your appointment and let them know you’re going to be late. Help them set their expectations.

Change your perspective.

You can dwell on your frustrations and all the negatives of that particular situation. This won’t change the situation though.

Adjust your perspective and learn to see the positive in that situation. Realise this situation will not continue forever and neither will your frustration. Take this situation as a learning opportunity. In the case of the being stuck in a traffic jam, leave earlier next time and check the roads for congestion before you leave, possibly taking a different route.

Don’t take it personally.

Have you ever become more frustrated because of how someone spoke to you? Rather than what they actually said? Their tone drove you up the wall?

You’re probably just their outlet for their own frustrations. You’re only on the receiving end and it has nothing to do with you. Don’t waste your energy and get bogged down! Remind yourself that this has nothing to do with you.

Distract yourself.

Do you dwell on the problem even though it’s been solved? Don’t get repeatedly frustrated by reliving the situation. It’s not giving you anything positive back. Exercise! It renews your energies, even if you may not believe it at the time. When exercising, your body releases the hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine, which puts you into flight/fight mood and reduces your stress levels.

Depending on my frustrations, I use a combination of these coping mechanisms or revert to my Agni-specific mechanisms like listening to music and, if no one is nearby, signing along. What is your outlet to deal with frustrations and the negative emotions coming with it? Share it with us!

Until next time,

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