Physical vs emotional health

Why you should have a balanced health triangle

Yesterday, the HR Wellness Seminar took place and for any of you following me for some time, you how much I value health and wellbeing. Too many companies are unfortunately not providing enough support to their employees. Still, employees and individuals need to take ownership for their own health and wellbeing!

Prof. Justin James Kennedy’s presentation left me with food for thought: To get the emotional health in place, you’ll need to have the physical health in place.

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Have yourself a stress-free Christmas

Top stress savers this Christmas

It’s 2 days before Christmas and I’m sitting in this beautiful café with a hot chocolate. It’s freezing outside (okay, may it’s just cold and wet). What a relaxed day before the holidays are upon us. It’s absolutely fantastic!

Do you also want to enjoy a stress-free Christmas? Who doesn’t?! Here are my top 5 tips to start Christmas in the most relaxed and stress-free way!

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Give yourself time to think

When can you think?

It’s Thursday and although it’s a short week, it’s been manic. I felt like I was working on 20 different projects at the same time. Rather than stopping to think, prioritising my day, yes, I just kept going. There was no progress whatsoever and it was horrible! Do you know this feeling?

Today is the day to change this! I’ve taking some time out to think and so should you.

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Look after yourself

When did you do something for yourself?

We’re approaching the last month of 2016 and like many, I can feel the year end pressure. Getting the last projects closed and coordinating all the different Christmas parties are the biggest sources of stress. It’s good stress, right?! You’re probably in a similar situation and keep telling yourself, it’s all good.

What we don’t realise as we’re juggling 20 different activities at once, we are depleting ourselves. Winter weather may leave you with a cold or you’re feeling exhausted. You need to look after yourself. When was the last time you did something just for you?

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Declutter for your job search!

Too much stuff hindering your job search?

Do you remember last week’s post about finding a job? Sounds pretty easy, doesn’t it? Why it then so difficult to land that job? Of course, there are general external factors like the general economic climate, availability of vacancies in your field.

But many candidates are blocked internally. They can’t get their head around the job search and aren’t as effective as they could be. Here are 3 great tips to give you that clarity needed to land that job!

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Think ahead

Think ahead till the end

“Think a step ahead!” One of my old colleagues used to say it all the time and she was extremely proud to be at least one step ahead of everyone else. Indeed, thinking ahead can have numerous advantages as colleagues, friends and I have discovered over the years.

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Dealing with frustrations

Can you handle your frustrations and the negative emotions?

Experienced any frustrations this week? Welcome to my week of highs and lows. I got a new laptop with a new operating system last weekend. Today’s Thursday and I’m still struggling with the different functionalities. It feels like every step takes 2x or 3x as long as with the old laptop. Very frustrating!

But it doesn’t need to be frustrating. Learn here how you can reduce your frustrations by making small mindset changes.

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A for Appointments

How to keep track of your appointments

“We’d like to confirm your appointment.” When I first moved to the region, I found it quite odd how everyone called me to confirm our appointments. I quickly learnt that sticking to appointments was a given and just the other week, a reader asked me how to keep track of appointments. By now, I use the confirmation calls as pure reminders. But surely, there’s also a simpler way to keep track of your appointments?

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How to plan for the week ahead

Planning’s when, what, how

How often do you plan your day or your week ahead? Are you pretty relaxed and decide as you go but then noticed you haven’t achieved as much as needed? Have your friends jokingly referred to as scattered brain and given you notepads and calendars to be on time?

We all have heard about the importance of planning. Abraham Lincoln once said: “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” The better prepared we are for our activities, the smoother the execution and the outcome. But why don’t we plan for the week ahead?

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Summer time is moving time

3 top tips before you start looking for a new home

One of my clients approached me to support them in finding a new home. They are short of time and asked me to pre-view suitable houses for them. Now, I’m not a real estate agent and generally don’t offer this service. This time, I said yes and will share their and my experiences in a mini-series with you (with their approval, of course).

Before you evening start calling landlords and agents for a viewing, gain clarity of what you are looking for. These 3 tips will be of substantial help during this potentially very stressful period:

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