Start your day the night before

Do you know this scenario: You feel like you’ve just woken up yet it’s already time to rush out of the door? Do you ask yourself where the morning has just gone? So often, we seem to forget that the next day actually starts the night before. What can you do to prepare for a stress-free morning? Here are 7 tips which will help you to plan ahead and relax:

  1. Look at your agenda for the next day. What meetings do you have? Do you need to bring any documents along? Do you have any plans in the evening? If so, will you come home first or go directly to your event?
  2. Tidy your house. It will give you a clear and welcoming look when you see it again in the morning. Clean your kitchen counter and put left over foods in the fridge. Collect any dishes and put them in the dishwasher. Run it overnight and it will help you save energy and water, as Apartment Therapy points out. On that note, charge your mobile, iPad and laptop overnight.
  3. Know your morning routine. Who will hop into the shower first? Will you have breakfast at home or in the office? If at home, set the table at night. Will you or your spouse drop off the kids at school?
  4. Choose your outfit in the evening. All too often, accessories are overlooked. Lay them out together. Don’t forget to check the weather forecast!
  5. Put your dirty clothes into the laundry hamper. Does your washing machine have a timer? If so, you may want to set it and have a load ready to be hung up or put in the dryer when you wake up.
  6. Use the evening to reflect on and let go of the day. Write down the things you were grateful for. You can find plenty of tips for a grateful diary here.
  7. Get quality sleep. Harvard recommends unwinding about an hour before going to bed. Switch off electronics, avoid caffeine and don’t take part in stimulating activities. Go to bed around the same time each night.

How do you get ready for the day? Share your routine in the comment box.

Until next time,

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