School supplies remote learning

Schools supplies you need for remote learning

Get ready for a new year of remote learning

Can you believe that it’s already the second week of August? Where did summer go? Or are we not allowed to ask these questions these year? After all, how many of us were able to travel and enjoy their summer holidays? So with that the big question is: Are you ready for a new school year? A year (or at least semester) of remote learning ?

As every year, about now, is when parents are starting to feel excited and stressed about the new school year to start. Many countries have decided for their schools to open up again. Here, families are being given the option and if you’re like me, you may not be sure if your school is a safe place for your kids. Sure, schools are doing whatever is in their power to protect students, teachers and other school staff from COVID-10. Yet, some parents, like my friend Mr Jocund J, his kids will experience remote learning for a few more months and it’s time for him to get organised with all the different school supplies.

Another year remote learning

Your school’s list of required school supplies

Most schools are handing out lists showing what is required for kids in different grades. Such a list is super helpful. There’s no questioning and no worrying about your child needs. You can save yourself unnecessary arguments discussing what the teacher had said weeks (which feel like months) ago. If your school hasn’t sent you a list yet, give them a call or email them and ask them for one.

Wait a second

Before you start, let’s do a quick inventory check. It’s likely that you have some of these recommended items already at home. If you use these supplies regularly, you know where to find them. It may be the case that you’ll need to start looking for the school supplies. Make it a game and challenge your kids who can find most of what’s on your list.

Let’s start with the obvious for remote learning

  • Computer or laptop, possibly tablet
  • Headphones that are comfortable for your child and which has an appropriate jack for your home computer, laptop or tablet
  • A mouse
  • A camera (it’ll be great for your kid to show their class mates what they’re working on)
  • WIFI
  • Printer and extra printing cartridge for the assignments

School supplies last year

What school supplies do you also need

  • Text books (check with your school which specific books they’ll need and also ask where to get them from, e.g. direct from the school, particular bookstore, online)
  • Handheld whiteboards with dry-erase markers
  • Paper and notebooks
  • Pencils, pencil sharpener and an erase
  • Crayons and coloured pencils
  • Calendar or study planner (make it yourself with paint chips if you don’t have one)
  • Glue and scissors
  • Art supplies like wiggly eyes, pompoms (really check what you have at home and what’s on your kid’s curriculum, art supplies can easily take over your life)
  • Math manipulatives for younger children
  • Calculator for older children
  • Ruler
  • Sensory touch packs for younger children (include shaving cream!)

Don’t forget these

  • A good attitude (love this tip from Gilma Liliana Orozco)
  • A sense of humour
  • An open mind to discover

Child learn

Create a dedicated learning environment

You may already have this and know from our previous lockdown how quickly life can run out of control. Giving children a specific area (or areas if you have the space) where they can focus, interact and explore with their class helps to separate from non-school time. Too many adults are suffering from the constant on because they don’t have a dedicated work area at home and feel like no matter where they are in the house, it’s their work area. Don’t let this happen to your kids.

If possible, give your child:

  • A table
  • A chair they can adjust
  • A clear plastic box for their crayons, pens and pencils
  • Art bag to go (great tip from Kim Tejeda Cochran)

Make remote learning easier for you as a parent

We know how stressful remote learning was for some (many, all) of you! I hope you’ve given yourself a pad on the shoulder. If not, start doing it this school year!

Speak with the teacher and ask for an introduction into their teaching software. If you are not familiar with it, play around with it before school starts, if possible.


This weekend, when you’re doing your grocery shopping or whenever you’re placing your online order, ensure you include plenty of coffee, tea or your go-to-drink.

Let me know how you’re getting ready for another school year!

Until next time,

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