The festive season is almost over and the long weekend seems to be months away. It was such a wonderful time celebrating with my loved ones on the beach. But then, I was shocked seeing a Facebook post about my cousin in the US. She was hospitalised – suspected stroke! While she’s better and at now home now, it was terrible news.
It made me realise how important spending time with our loved ones really is. We’d expect something to happen to our parents, not to our cousins and friends.
We’re all so busy wrapping up outstanding projects at work, finalising that sale before year end, preparing for the Holidays, rushing from one party to another, getting the nails done and so on. There’s hardly any time for us to just breathe. Even at the hairdresser’s, it’s writing down what needs to be done next.
I often hear it from friends and clients that they feel guilty for taking time for just themselves. Especially mothers seem to suffer from this syndrome. They barely get more than 15 minutes of me time per day. However, it’s oh so vital to look after yourself and spend some time on and for yourself. If your batteries are depleted, how are you supposed to look after others?
If it’s not in our calendar, we don’t do it. Go ahead and schedule some me time.
Being prone to overcommitting myself, I block one weekday night. Depending on what’s going on, I may treat myself to a massage, catch up on my favourite TV show or go for a run. This hour is without work calls, checking emails or chatting with friends. This is my me time.
Me time can also be meeting your friends, catching up over coffee or going for a lady’s night. It could be reading a book, going for a yoga session, meditating or just watching the world go by. Pet your pet a little, lay in a hot bubble bath or catch up on some much needed sleep. Click here if you like more me time inspirations.
It’s been proven that quality me time not only relaxes and re-energises you. It also contributes to better work-life balance, wellbeing and more engagement at work, according to the British Psychological Society. Are you ready to reap these psychological benefits?
In this busy world, how do you find time for yourself? Do you have a specific ritual or do you change your me time every day, week or month? Share what works for you by leaving a comment below. I’d love to hear from you!
Until next time,