10 Top tips to tame the dragon in your kids’ closet

We were on a mission to tackle the kids’ closet last week. It’s been such a fun week organising the room of my little clients. Absolutely brilliant!

Our first action was looking at the toys. Their parents were tired of having toys everywhere all the time. For them, implementing a few small changes helped them to gain control over the toys. They were delighted to see changes made that day stick! My client was energised by the success they’re having with the toys and didn’t want to stop there. Together, we were ready to tame the dragon living in and around her kids’ closets.

To make small changes with a long-term impact, I’ve collected 10 tips. They will also help you and your children to face the dragon and organise your kids’ closets. Check them out:

  1. Install additional hanger bars. Obviously, kids’ clothing is smaller compared to adults’ clothing, yet most closets don’t differentiate between the two. Putting up an additional bar will provide you with more hanging space.
  2. If you prefer to fold clothes, consider installing additional shelves.
  3. Opt for your ideal way to sort your kids’ clothes. If your children are older, you can involve them in this process, too. Do you prefer to have clothes sorted by size, type (e.g. all short-sleeve shirts, then long-short sleeves and afterwards cardigans), occasion (e.g. school, sports, holidays) or colour?
  4. Keep clothes within your kids’ reach. Use the floor or lower shelves for them at first and grow your shelves and hanger bars with your kids.
  5. Use a small stepper or step ladder for your child to reach higher areas. Keep in mind that they know how to move the stepper and may take it elsewhere. There may be possibilities to injure themselves while reaching new heights!
  6. Put items they’re not wearing regularly on the top shelf. This could be out-of-season clothes, clothes your child is still too big for or any other clothes they won’t wear regularly this month.
  7. Use containers which can easily be taken out of the closet. This goes for smaller totes (e.g. for socks) and larger rubber bins (e.g. for t-shirts). It helps to keep it looking tidy and clothes kept on the top shelves can be removed without any issues.
  8. Label boxes and containers. Sticking labels make it easy to choose a piece. If your kid can’t read yet, include a picture or a drawing of the content on the box. It will also help your maid putting clean clothes back at the right spot.
  9. Arrange their clothes for the week ahead. It will reduce the need for unwanted discussions and melt downs early in the morning and save you time and energy. So worth it!
  10. Treat your child (and you) to some fun and customisation. You can add coloured hangers or boxes to make your kids’ closet more playful. Painting the inside wall or using wallpaper can add a unique touch. If the closet doesn’t have any doors, be creative and hide its content with a beautiful curtain, which can easily be replaced as your child grows older.

How do you tame the dragon in your kids’ room? Tell us what works for you and your children by leaving a comment below.

Until next time,

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