Choices – You always got them!

Every day, we’re making hundreds and thousands of decisions. To get out of bed or lie in? What to have for breakfast? Who do I call first? Do I need to attend that meeting? Gym or TV after work?

While we may not always realise it, these decisions are actually choices. Think back of the film “Dangerous Minds” from the mid-90s. The teacher is having a discussion with her students about their choices. They don’t see any of them in their desperate situations. And there you have a teacher who made the choice to care about her students. If you haven’t seen the film, read the full passage here.

We always have a choice. Just how do we choose? Follow our heart? Our mind?

Mandela choice

  • Find out what’s important to you. If you don’t know what that is, look at how you’re spending your day or week. What’s in your calendar? Kimberly Eddy summarises it beautifully “Every day, by the choices I make, I reveal what is truly important to me.”
  • Make a quick decision and go for that option. According to Nick Tasler’s HBR article, people who chose an option faster are about as good as if evaluating every single aspect and knock on effect.
  • Weigh up your options. You can create a list with the pros and cons of each option and make your choice best on your preferred outcome.
  • Consider the consequences. Questions like “What would my life look like if I were to pursue option A? What would my life look like if I were to pursue option B?” If you’re worrying about a particular outcome, also ask yourself how likely that particular outcome is. Are you willing to accept the risk which it might bear?
  • Don’t procrastinate. You may want to take your time, evaluate the options, consider the different consequence and then choose. Set a timer or choose a date in your calendar and decide by them. Don’t take forever to reach a conclusion and just go with it.

George Patton Execution
Over the last few months, I had a difficult choice to make and for a long time, I felt so overwhelmed that I did nothing. Procrastination became my friend. Until now, where I (or the universe) forced myself to simply choose and go that way. While a decision may not be revoked, you can always alter your direction and adjust your sails accordingly. I’ve felt tremendously relieved finally having announced my decision and am now pursuing my preferred option.

Until next time,


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