Change how you cook to save more money

Can cooking be nutritious and save you money?

It’s so tempting to eat out in this city. After all, we work hard and don’t want to spend hours preparing a home cooked meal. Let’s admit it: We like convenience!

Unfortunately, convenience isn’t always cheap and together we other lifestyle choices, it’s easy to spend more than we earn. If you’re anything like me, your food bill is making up a large amount of your spending. Have you looked how changing the way you cook can help you save money?

We’ve collected the best ingredients and recipes to help you eat healthy and save money:

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Save money by planning your meals

12 great tips to benefit from meal planning

Did you spend hundreds of Dirhams and when we’re ready to cook, there’s no food? Are you astonished by the amount of food wasted in your house? Do you want to eat healthier but are tempted by spontaneous take away meals? Are you frustrated by your high monthly food bill? If you said yes, you’re not alone. I and many others have been there too and it’s time for you to consider meal planning.

Here are our 12 best tips for saving money and food by planning your meals:

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Check your bank details

Are your bank details up to date?

Has this ever happened to you? One of the websites you’re frequently using has been updated and you can’t find anything. Well, that was me today. My bank made some changes and it took some time to get used to the new layout. Checking the settings, I realised some of my details were out of date. The updates probably overwrote the details and put them back into the every first set up. I’ve used this experience to check my other details and so should you!

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Quit your job?

Really quit your job?

There seems to be an increasing amount of frustrations amongst employees. Who doesn’t know those days when you’re annoyed with the boss or colleagues, having to change a client project for the 10th time or being stuck in heavy traffic to and from your office? Who hasn’t experienced a day when they weren’t bored and felt there was no room for them to grow and develop? All these little things can add to something big and then what? Quit?

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How to save big this month


Growing up, many Germans would take a step back and save some money in January. It was and still is the month when insurance policies are renewed and people are just fed up with eating so much over the Christmas holidays. This last month, I’ve kept an eye on my expenses and there are so many ways to save in this big city. Here are my favourite tips to help you save this month:

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Christmas presents

What presents are you giving?

My loved ones nonchalantly mentioned that they haven’t brought any Christmas presents yet. It’s the 12th of December! Christmas is just around the corner! For a lot of people, this could raise the pre-Christmas stress levels. Luckily, we have a rule in this family: No presents above EUR 30 (around 116 dirhams).

Are you also fed up with going in debt to give toys which, after only 3 days, are just laying around? Looking a disappointed expression on your loved one’s face when they don’t get the gift they wanted? It’s time to change your approach to gifting at Christmas! If you can’t or don’t want to give up presents just yet, present clutter-free, memorable gifts to your loved one!

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October is another “No Spending Month”

Will you join me?

It’s a little bit later than my usual blog post. But today, I had a very good reason: I had to store all my groceries and other the other things bought while visiting my family last week. And how much I had to put away! Tons! After all, I flew back with 40 kgs (88 lbs). To my defence, not of it was for me. Some things were presents for upcoming birthdays or requests from friends.

Still, I’ve enough food till Christmas and am making October another “No Spending Month”.

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