New year, new job

As we’ve entered the New Year, many of us decided to have New Year’s Resolutions. You know, things we want to improve or change like spending more time with friends and family, getting fit, eating healthy or looking for a new job. According to The Independent, almost half of the UK workforce are looking for a new job in 2016.

I’ve recently read that only 8% of resolutions are actually achieved. If looking for a new career opportunity is one of your New Year’s Resolutions, you certainly don’t want to belong to the vast majority of having failed their  resolutions. But what can you do if you’re looking for a new role?

Being organised and having a plan can reduce the stress often associated with a job search. The 16 steps outlined here will help you prepare and find that new job you’re looking for.

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Prevent a fire, save your life

This New Year’s Eve did not go as planned. Having direct view of Burj Khlaifa, the tallest building in the world, we celebrated with friends at home and were excited to see some spectacular fireworks.

At around 10:00 pm, my mom questioned her eyesight. “Is that building over there really on fire?” The first message appeared on my phone: “Has the Address Hotel caught fire?” One of the most beautiful buildings in Downtown Dubai stood on fire!

Over the next hours, we were shocked and scared by how quickly the flames took over 63 floors and watched the news to understand what was going on. It was not what we expected.

When the New Year rang in, it was bizarre to watch the fireworks on the left and the burning building on the right.

This night made me realise how fortunate I am but it also made me revisit our safety. What can you do to prevent fires?

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